Flatbed Scanners
Operating a flatbed scanner is as easy as operating a photo copier. Open the lid, place the document, close the lid and hit the copy button – that’s it!

Book scanners
SMA proudly presents V3D – a new scanning technology which allows users to scan many different types of originals. It offers the capability of digitizing structured surfaces such as wood, rubber, plastic, fabrics, carpet and many more types of material. Finally, light reflecting items such as coins, seals and metal prints can be captured at the highest quality. The V3D technolgy presents new opportunities as it can be applied to materials outside the normal archive and library world.

Robotic Scanners
SMA proudly presents ROBO SCAN – the first large format book scanner with automatic page turning function. So far all existing robotic scanners can only handle small books (below A2). The new ROBO SCAN can handle books up to A2 (ROBO SCAN 2) or A1 (ROBO SCAN 1) without a problem.
The ROBO SCAN Option is based on the well known book scanners SCAN MASTER 2 and SCAN MASTER 1 with all its benefits.